
bring a sustainable, scalable charism discernment solution into your parish life

We are Many Parts Ministries and our mission is to make it a normal, expected part of Catholic adulthood to discern your charisms within the next 10-15 years.  A Church where everyone knows their charisms is a Church that will overtake the world in a single generation.

Together, we are forming that generation.

We want to empower your parish to cooperate with the work of the Holy Spirit in a whole new way that improves your parish engagement, equips lay leaders, and decreases burnout, all while unlocking the fruits of the Holy Spirit in the lives of your parishioners in ways they have never experienced before.

We don't rely on a single invitation to bring parishioners into charism discernment - we give you the tools to create a comprehensive experience that permeates every part of parish life.

New things take time to catch on, and if charism discernment is new to your parish we can't expect it to take off instantly in a sustainable way. We must play the long game - integrating charism discernment and commitment into parishioners' digital life, their families, their small groups, and their Sunday Mass community - in a way that invites them to discern well and commit faithfully to the use of their charisms for the long haul.

Thankfully, our resources give you a comprehensive guide to doing this without making more work for your already strapped staff and lay leaders.

We want to help change the culture of your parish into one where the workings of the Holy Spirit are named, valued, and expressed with boldness by giving you the tools to integrate charism discernment into every part of parish life - from stewardship renewal to weekly homilies - so that it becomes the norm in your community to call out God's gifts and to use them well. 

The backbone of our parish program is our online charism assessment.

This assessment allows all your parishioners to quickly and easily begin their charism discernment journey on their phone, tablet or computer and looks at two key factors: a person’s “identity quotient” - insight into how much their sense of safety and self flows from God - and their likelihood for each of the charisms.

At the end of the assessment they will receive a color “grade” for both the identity and individual charisms (green, orange, or red) which will then auto-populate their personal, fully customized PDF report with next steps tailored to their unique situation, pulling out their most likely charisms for further discernment.

After completing the assessment your parishioners will be invited, challenged, and encouraged in their individual charism discernment journey by our automated follow ups, and you will have comprehensive access to their assessment data - both identity & charisms.

Then we train you to deploy this data in a variety of ways to improve and streamline parish decision-making, event planning, volunteer outreach, and general parish communication. From specifically inviting people high for “Hospitality” to be greeters at mass to combing through the parish for a unique combination of gifts for a leadership position, this data empowers you to see where people are, engage them where they are most gifted, and track growth in individuals and the community over time through our recommended bi-annual followups.

The unique “identity” component of our assessment also gives you a bird’s eye view of where your parishioners are at in their personal spiritual lives. 

Those that need growth in this area so often do not even know what do to move forward, and may not even recognize that a deeper, more trusting relationship with God is even possible for them. 

People at the other end of the spectrum, with very high identity quotients, are intimate friends of God and can so often mentor or lead others into greater relationship with Him. 

Knowing who falls where empowers parishes to create programs, events, small groups, and mentorship programs aimed at helping everyone in the parish come to encounter Jesus more fruitfully in their everyday lives and use the power of personal invitation to reach out to the people that need guidance the most.

Every other resource in our parish program is about leveraging this discernment and commitment process to its fullest extent - supporting individuals in fruitful, personal discernment and crafting communication and strategy at the parish level that makes use of the assessment data and creates a unifying parish culture of charisms.

Three Ways to Work with Us

More Details About Our Resources

Pick the Resources Perfect for You

Every package includes all the resources at your selected level (Pilot or Parish) but you choose what will work for your unique parish.

Digital Charism Assessment

Each package includes our digital charism assessment for easy access - both for you and your parishioners.

Partner Portal

Send invitations to take the assessment, grab a link to share instead, and create reports and exports of your parish data to use for outreach.

Volunteer Training

We train staff members or lay leaders to facilitate charism discernment and provide high touch, local support to your parishioners.

Implementation Handbook

A mix of videos, tech trainings, and printable guides will give you all our best practices and guide you in choosing your parish approach.

Implementation Worksheets

Our worksheets will help you determine what to invest in, choose a parish model, map all your ministries to their charisms, & more!

Charism Models for Parishes

These models will provide frameworks for making charism discernment an evergreen part of your parish life. Choose your favorite or combine!

One-on-one Onboarding

Our Parish Coordinator will meet with you one on one via Zoom to learn about your parish and help you determine the best first steps to take.

Weekly Bulletin Articles

You'll have access to 52 short articles on charism FAQs that you can reprint in your bulletin to help educate parishioners and drive interest in your charism program.

Charism Learning Lab Membership

We're ALWAYS learning new things about charisms and parish integration, and the Learning Lab is how we share our most current insights with you.

Marketing Materials

Programs rise and fall on their messaging and we want to help you get your parishioners as excited about charisms as we are with our easy, plug and play marketing materials.

Parish-Wide Resources

We want to empower parishioners to unpack their charisms within their families and small groups. We make our Bible Study and Discernment Journal available to your whole parish.

Date Night + Guide to Charisms

Foster meaningful discussions and deeper connections with resources for couples and individuals that takes charism discernment into the home.

Monthly Digest on Teaching Charisms from the Pulpit

Every month we provide you with insights on how you can weave charisms into your homilies so you can integrate this program fully in parish life.

Access to Ministry Forums

Our website features forums where all our past and current program members can share questions, wins, and insights

A La Carte Add-On:
Charism Workshop

Our staff is able to come and give a Charism Workshop or Mission, but this is not required. We want to empower you to grow sustainably in a way that exceeds one time attendence.

Here's How it Works:

Choose Your Program

We offer a Parish Pilot Program and an expanded Parish Program option to help you fit your budget & support capacity.

Get Onboarded

You'll meet directly with one of our team members who will learn about your parish, walk you through the resources available,  and make recommendations about where to start based on your particular parish.

Identify, Value, & Invest

Parishioners will identify their charisms, which will teach you both what to value in your community and where to invest. Connect with other parish leaders and our team in our forums if you have questions.

Why Choose to Partner with Many Parts?


We provide the most flexible, scaleable charism resources that overlay what is already working in your parish - keeping you from having to reinvent the wheel.


Our comprehensive services are available at an amazing value - making it easier and less expensive than ever to bring charism discernment to your parish in a way that fundamentally changes parish life.


You get access to our staff, as well as our entire network of ministry leaders, coaches, and trained volunteers. We believe in connecting leaders to help each other, as every investment in the Church supports the whole church.

Choose Your Program:

Pilot Program

Great to explore our resources with your parish staff or lay leaders

$740 value for only



+ $5.99 for additional assessments as needed

The Enroll Now button will take you to the product page on our website where you can complete your purchase.

Optional Add-Ons:

Additional Seats to Volunteer Training

Train a larger team of people to accompany your parishioners on their charism discernment journey. Each additional seat is just $69. (If you want to assign those seats to other email addresses to complete training please let us know via email at hello@manypartsminsitries.com)

More Charism Assessments

More charism assessments can be purchased at any time through your Partner Portal and are instantly added to your account. For more information, consult your Partner Portal or your Tech resources on our website after program purchase.

Charism Workshop

Our Executive Director, Jill Simons is available to come and give a Charism Workshop or Mission in your parish, subject to availablity. For more information and pricing contact us via the button below.

Questions? We'd love to answer them! Email us at parishes@manypartsministries.com

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